Or shall I call it a little piece of Heaven. Mike served his mission in Puerto Rico and part of his mission was an island called Virgin Gorda. (Being married to Mike has many perks) So we returned to visit the island for two weeks. My parents, my Uncle Jason and my Aunt Andrea were there for the first week and Mike's parents and brother Steve were there for the last week. We had some good company with us. It was a whole lot of travelling to get to this island. We flew all night to St. Thomas and then hopped on two ferry boats to finally get to the island, but let me tell ya it was well worth it. Mike and I are so lucky to have a little gal who loves travelling, Jane is seriously the champion of travel. And as soon as she got into the humid climate she just became even more of an angel child. I didn't take very good pictures because my aunt was there and I felt like hers turned out way better than mine, so sorry for the poor pictures but you get the idea of how beautiful it is, hopefully.
One of the nights we went out to see the people on the stilts perform, it was so fun and crazy to see them have such amazing balance.
This picture is really just to remind myself of how Jane would soak all her shirts with drool the entire trip, it was also probably a combination of sweat from the humidity.