So Jane has this thing about getting a little too excited for pictures, I think she got it from me. I say that because Mike is always telling me to relax right before we take a picture. So here she is in action getting those bug eyes and cheesing out! Enjoy.
My baby is a chunk! Jane doesn't have her check up till Friday so I don't know her little stats but let me tell you some things about her. She loves to be swaddle. She loves when you do things with her legs, like make her pretend swim or run. She loves to toot really loud and then make a surprised face after like did I do that? She is starting to smile a lot when you talk to her. She wakes up at night on the dot at 12:00, 3:00, & 6:00. And she loves being patted on the bum.
I forgot about my love for Justin Timberlake (aka JT) until mike & I were watching Jimmy Fallon the other night, you know during the late night breast feeding, & this little number may have re-lit the flame. Some may remember the NSYNC poster on my wall and how Justin's lips were a little rubbed away because I had to kiss him good night, obviously. NSYNC was probably one of the highlights of my childhood. Oh, by the way, Jimmy isn't too shabby himself.
Yesterday was a very special and sweet experience for out little family. Our little Jane Olivia was blessed. Right before the blessing Mike and I were getting her ready and she was so smiley and happy, we started laughing at one of her cute smiles and she start belly laughing with us, it went on for a couple of minutes. I'm sure it was just gas but Mike & I like to think it was us. I think she knew that a lot of people who love her were coming just to see her and she was on her very best behavior by keeping her eyes open for an hour, which is extremely rare. Once pictures were done she passed right out. We are so blessed to have this sweet little girl in our lives, and to have had her receive such a sweet blessing from her father in heaven. This little gal makes us so happy. oh and Sorry for the overload of pictures.